The people
of Lanka think Ravana is being ridiculous; he should join Rama, not fight him
When Ravana
began to dance, the wind came in very powerfully, not to help Rama
Ravana is
still in denial of the approach of the end of his life, despite numerous
“All loss of
love or life is a lie, old age is an illusion, and only bad things perish.”—Ravana
page 339, not realizing that he’s bad
“Good Love
never dies”—Ravana page 339, does he not remember that he kidnapped hundreds of
women and forced himself on them? Then captured someone else’s wife in hopes of
making her his own?
Ravana made
time vanish by lightly touching him
“I offered
you my life and you accepted it.”—Ravana in his letter to Rama page 351, if he
was so serious about offering his life, why didn’t he fight sooner? Why did he
resist the coming war? This could also be one reason why he kept Sita for so
long and didn’t listen when people told him to give her back
Suka was so
happy at the news of the letter that he evaporated
No matter
how many times Rama is told he is Narayana/Vishnu he doesn’t believe it and
acts clueless as to his true self
There’s a
vast store of treasures under Lanka page 366
“And giving
gifts, giving to the poor and to others, that is always right; or else, what
you save is spent to buy a homesite for you in Hell.”—Vibhishana to Hanuman
page 368
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